
3 Important things I always tell my kids

These are three things that I probably tell my kids the most.


“Remember who you are representing”

This statement is so important to me because I’d like to think that even when I am not with my kiddos they will remember to behave.  Who are they representing?  Themselves of course.  I always try to remind them that you don’t want people saying “ugh…here comes Jack.”  You want them to say “Oh cool! Here comes Jack!”  of course I use the right pitch when I say both of these haha.  Because how they represent themselves (respectful, honest, fun, hardworking, diligent) is how others will see them.  But not only are they representing themselves, they are also representing their family.  Their parents. Very important to me.



“You don’t have to be the best…You just have to do or be YOUR best”

Two of my boys (I won’t name them here) have had a very hard time in their short lives understanding that even if you don’t do something perfect it is OK!  One boy in particular would not even TRY something new if he didn’t think he could do it perfectly.  He has gotten much better as time goes on…but many many times I have to remind all of my boys that as long as they are doing THIER best then they will be ok.  I use this a LOT.  Not just when they are bummed that they aren’t doing something perfectly but also when I know they can do better and they are just being lazy.  A great example is when they are doing homework.  One of the kids had an assignment the other day and he rushed through it as most boys do…but I could hardly read it.  Now if you knew how amazing his handwriting is for a young boy you wouldn’t even believe it was the same kid who did the homework assignment.  So I made him do it all over again.  Oh boy was he MAD!!! But I had to just explain to him again…”I know what YOUR best is….This is NOT your best…You have to do YOUR best!  Not be the best, but do YOUR best.  And then I usually go into the whole “think of who you are representing talk”  because it also applies to them with their work, not just their behavior and attitudes.


I love you no matter what”

It’s so easy in the rush of a day or moment to snap at your kiddos when they are just being kids.  Most times they may deserve the reprimand but it’s the delivery of that reprimand that makes or breaks them.  I can tolerate a lot but sometimes enough is enough.  But in the midst of all of that, little boys & big boys feelings get a little bruised. I see that sometimes and don’t like that.  That’s when I usually try to remind them that I love them no matter what.  As parents, we are tired, we get annoyed sometimes…it’s allowed.  They can be annoying.  But even so, I still like to remind them that I love them no matter what.  That usually perks them back up.  : )




Categories: Family, Inspiration


  • Margaret

    Koula. I was at Mr. Peterman ‘ s funeral and brought home something to say to my kids that his family said he used to say all the time to them. “Remember who’s you are and who you serve” I think it goes along with what you said.


      Thanks Judy! That means a lot. I’m not naive to think they don’t get out of control sometimes when I’m not around or that attitudes may change as they get older (haven’t been thru the teenage years yet with boys) but the one verse always comes to my mind…proverbs 22:6. Plus I’ve learned a lot by watching wonderful mothers like you.

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